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Results for: reins act
FGA Applauds Sen. Rick Scott for Introducing the “Let’s Get to Work Act” Requiring Work in Food Stamp and Housing Programs
- by FGA
- Promoting Work over Welfare
FGA Applauds Sen. Rick Scott for Introducing the “Let’s Get to Work Act” Requiring Work in Food Stamp and Housing Programs
- Promoting Work over Welfare
FGA Statement Supporting Ohio Lawsuit to Reinstate Medicaid Work Requirements
- by FGA
- Medicaid Expansion
- Promoting Work over Welfare
- Work Requirements
Post-Loper, Congress must rein in the bureaucracy
- Government Transparency and Accountability
- Reins Act
President Biden’s Proposed Student Loan Rule Would Cost Taxpayers Billions
- Government Transparency and Accountability
- Reins Act
FGA Applauds Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans for Bold Debt Ceiling Negotiations
- by FGA
- Government Transparency and Accountability
- Workforce
The SEC’s Climate-Related Disclosures Rule Puts Special Interests Ahead of Its Mission and Everyday Investors
- Rejecting The Radical Remake of America
How Lawmakers Can Rein in Regulations Like the Student Loan Bailout
- by Alli Fick, Haley Holik
- Education
Bidenflation is Wrecking New Jerseyans’ Wallets
- Government Transparency and Accountability
At FGA, we don’t just talk about changing policy—we make it happen.
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