Stop Outside Influence in Elections
In the 2020 elections, more than $400 million in private funding were given to election administrators, with the effect of influencing the outcome of elections. FGA works to stop outside influence on our elections and end private dollars from funding public elections.

Show Me the Zuckerbucks: How Outside Money Infiltrated Missouri's 2020 Election
Mark Zuckerberg, the California Facebook billionaire, funneled millions into our state with grant dollars disproportionately favoring Democrat-held districts.
Did Zuckerbucks Influence Election Results?
After the polls closed on November 3, 2020, chaos ensued thanks to questionable counting tactics, shady out-of-state funding for election jurisdictions, and inconsistent and illegal handling of absentee ballots. It’s no secret that election processes and policies in many states are woefully out of date and in need of a refresh for the sake of […]
Federalizing Elections Will Make Government Bigger and Voters’ Voices Smaller
When President Biden took office, he promised to “bring transparency and truth back to the government.” It’s a nice sentiment, but it isn’t holding up in practice—and the latest example is Executive Order (EO) 14019. This executive order is a gross federal overreach and an unlawful attempt to federalize state and local elections by circumventing […]
New Funding Program Launched by Center for Tech and Civic Life Could Sidestep State Bans on Private Funding of Local Elections–Including Bans on Zuckerbucks
FGA is warning policymakers of yet another attempt by CTCL to provide targeted funding to left-leaning districts the same way it did in 2020 with Zuckerbucks.
Our Ensuring Fair and Transparent Elections Solutions
OurEnsuring Fair and Transparent Elections Experts
Latest Ensuring Fair and Transparent Elections Research
The Non-Citizen Voting Problem, and How to Solve It
Exposing Myths and Acknowledging Reality Shows Why States Should Ban Ranked-Choice Voting
States Should Turn to Commonsense Solutions to Better Secure the 2024 Election
Ranked-Choice Voting: Opposition vs. Support
THE GREAT EXIT: Why States are Leaving Politically Driven ERIC and Why More States Should Follow.
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