Eliminating Long-Term Dependency
Perpetual government dependency is a trap that robs individuals of taking part in the American Dream. To preserve resources for the truly needy and encourage productivity, for example, states can assign able-bodied adults on food stamps to employment and training (E&T) programs and implement other commonsense reforms.
First of Its Kind Study Shows the Power of Work
For too long, thousands of Kansans have languished in welfare, without hope of a better life. But thanks to one simple policy change, many Kansans are now on the path to a better life. Under federal law, all able-bodied, childless adults in the food stamp program are required to work or train for work at […]
Child Support Cooperation Reduces Dependency Without Breaking The Bank
Child support is one of the best tools to end the cycle of dependency for single-parent families. These payments boost incomes for single-parent families by an average of 54 percent, help more than one million children escape poverty, and make it more likely that families will be able to leave welfare behind.
Our Promoting Work Over Welfare Reform Solutions
Our Promoting Work Over Welfare Reform Experts
Our Promoting Work Over Welfare Reform Research
From Promise to Peril: How Medicaid Expansion Is Breaking Montana
Waivers Gone Wild: The Next Wave in Waiver Abuse
Breaking Free From Dependency: A Case For Strengthening Work Requirements
Work, Not Welfare, Is the Best Way To Promote Health Care Coverage
Medicaid Expansion: Busting Budgets, Bankrupting Taxpayers, and Displacing the Truly Needy
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By partnering with FGA through a gift, you can create more policy change that returns America to a country where entrepreneurship thrives, personal responsibility is rewarded, and paychecks replace welfare checks.