The Foundation for Government Accountability Praises Congressional Efforts to Restore Accountability to the Federal Bureaucracy and Affordability Across America.
Naples, FL – Today, the House of Representatives passed the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (H.R. 277). Authored by Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL), the REINS Act requires congressional approval of any rule or regulation with an economic impact greater than $100 million annually before it can be implemented. The final bill also includes the LIBERTY Act by Rep. Dave Joyce, an amendment that ensures agency guidance also receives congressional review.
The REINS Act has more than 200 cosponsors in the House and Senate, making it one of the most popular bills in Washington, D.C. It is a powerful tool to control both regulating and spending from the Biden administration—including three rules costing taxpayers $1.5 trillion.
“The biggest spenders in Washington, D.C. are not liberals in Congress but rather the unaccountable bureaucrats spending billions with only a pen and a power trip,” said Tarren Bragdon, CEO and president of the Foundation for Government Accountability. “The REINS Act would restore congressional oversight over the bureaucracy and tame inflation by putting a check on the flood of federal spending coming from the executive branch.”
Since 2021, the Biden administration has pushed through more economically significant, job-killing regulations than any other modern president—and the price tag keeps rising. The regulatory spending from the executive branch—without the approval of elected representatives in Congress—has contributed to rising inflation across every state.
“The real policymakers in America are the army of bureaucrats—at least 2.1 million strong—who keep their jobs no matter who’s elected. They are almost impossible to fire, they’re overwhelmingly liberal, and they exert massive control not just over the economy, but over our individual lives,” added Bragdon. “The REINS Act is the lever to loosen the grip the administrative state has on our nation. Congress is right to reassert its authority and put the American people back in charge of their government.”
For more FGA research on the REINS Act, visit our REINS page.
For state-by-state inflation data, visit our Bidenflation page.
For recent polling showing 67 percent of voters support congressional approval of regulations, visit the Center for Polling in Excellence.
The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) is a non-profit, multi-state think tank that promotes public policy solutions to create opportunities for every American to experience the American Dream. To learn more, visit