Why should the exact same treatment for pneumonia cost $5,000 in one building and $124,000 in another? Or the exact same infusion drug for a chronically ill patient that requires them every six weeks cost $14,000 per shot in one setting, but $28,000 down the street? Why should patients have to pay so much more, simply based on where they park their cars? The answer is simple: they shouldn’t.
But the black box of pricing leaves patients in the dark. As a result, the financial futures of too many American families are in jeopardy as their paychecks fail to keep up with skyrocketing health care costs.
The real shame is that Americans would shop for better prices if they could – comparison shopping is part of the American way of life. In fact, according to a poll the Foundation for Government Accountability commissioned last year, 88% of voters say they regularly comparison shop for the best deal. Consumers shop for transportation, choosing between public transportation, conventional taxi services or new, innovative ride sharing through companies like Uber and Lyft. If they’re looking for entertainment, Redbox, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and numerous other companies provide a multitude of choices at competitive prices.
Right To Shop: The Next Big Thing In Health Care
Why should the exact same treatment for pneumonia cost $5,000 in one building and $124,000 in another? Or the exact same infusion drug for a chronically ill patient that requires them every six weeks cost $14,000 per shot in one setting, but $28,000 down the street? Why should patients have to pay so much more, simply based on where they park their cars? The answer is simple: they shouldn’t.
But the black box of pricing leaves patients in the dark. As a result, the financial futures of too many American families are in jeopardy as their paychecks fail to keep up with skyrocketing health care costs.
The real shame is that Americans would shop for better prices if they could – comparison shopping is part of the American way of life. In fact, according to a poll the Foundation for Government Accountability commissioned last year, 88% of voters say they regularly comparison shop for the best deal. Consumers shop for transportation, choosing between public transportation, conventional taxi services or new, innovative ride sharing through companies like Uber and Lyft. If they’re looking for entertainment, Redbox, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and numerous other companies provide a multitude of choices at competitive prices.