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FGA Video Series: State Leaders and Real America

For all the shouting and the screaming that happens in (or is directed toward) Washington, D.C., the real work of freedom takes place in the states.

To help highlight the life-changing reforms and inspiring leadership that often get ignored by the mainstream media, the Foundation for Government Accountability hosts a video series featuring legislative leaders in dozens of states, standout reformers talking about their groundbreaking ideas, and even the real-world, blue-collar workers who are affected most.

Hear what makes America work, straight from the source.

Three recent highlights from our video series include:

How are West Virginia’s elections so clean?” with West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner

Public School, Private School, and Homeschool” with Arkansas State Rep. Mindy McAlindon

How over-regulation hurts Americans” by “recovering regulator” Jeff Daugherty

FGA’s video archive features interviews with leaders like Governor Ron DeSantis, legislative frontrunners, and local reformers, and is searchable by topic—ranging from affordable and accessible childcare to workforce and entrepreneurship.

At FGA, we don’t just talk about changing policy—we make it happen.

By partnering with FGA through a gift, you can create more policy change that returns America to a country where entrepreneurship thrives, personal responsibility is rewarded, and paychecks replace welfare checks.