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FGA in the News: Food Stamps Aren’t for Lottery Jackpot Winners

The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to all 50 states requesting information on the number of substantial (more than $4,250) lottery winners receiving food stamps since 2019. In a new opinion piece for Fox News, FGA’s Hayden Dublois discussed the findings of this project. FGA received responses from 13 states, identifying more than 66,000 substantial lottery winners who continued receiving food stamps. Of that substantial number, states could find only 400 who had been removed—a fraction of one percent. Illinois had more than 50,000 winners on food stamps, and only removed 99. In South Dakota, a $2 million jackpot winner is still on welfare.

For more on this FOIA project and what states can do to prevent substantial lottery winners from continuing to sit on taxpayer-funded programs (spoiler: It involves ending broad-based categorical eligibility), read his full opinion piece.

Coverage of this FOIA project:

Fox News Digital | 65,000 stayed on food stamp rolls despite winning big in lottery, government data show

Yahoo! Finance | Many States Fail To Remove Substantial Lottery Winners From Eligibility – Why It Matters for Future of Program

The Epoch Times | Watchdog Says 66,000 People Kept Getting Food Stamps Despite Winning Big in Lottery

The National Desk | Thousands of lottery winners continue to receive food stamps, watchdog group reveals

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