The Foundation for Government Accountability’s new paper details how Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature have rolled back red tape at a record pace, keeping bureaucrats in check and the state’s economy booming.
Naples, FL—Today, the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) released a new research paper on the policies driving Florida’s success and how other states can follow Florida’s lead to strengthen legislative and executive oversight of bureaucratic agencies.
“Many people talk about cutting red tape and reining in unchecked bureaucracy, but few people seriously attempt it—even fewer show the leadership necessary to make it happen. But that’s exactly what Gov. DeSantis has done in Florida,” said Tarren Bragdon, president and CEO of FGA. “Year over year, the governor has led the efforts to limit the power of bureaucrats and worked with the legislature to roll back red tape at record pace.”
Florida’s regulatory review process has been successful in repealing outdated and burdensome regulations all while slowing the growth of new regulations. From 1999 to 2010, an average of 2,553 new rules were proposed each year. By 2021, the average number of proposed rules had fallen to roughly 1,500. Under Gov. DeSantis’s leadership, the number of new proposed rules hit a record low in 2022. In 2022, only 1,259 new rules were proposed.
“Businesses and new residents are flocking to Florida for opportunity and a better life, and the nation is taking notice of the policies propelling Florida’s success,” said Bragdon. “Gov. DeSantis and the legislature have lit the lamp of freedom—lighting the way for states to follow Florida’s proven blueprint to rebuild America.”
“Florida’s success is undeniable. The only question left: ‘Will other states follow their lead?’,” added Bragdon.
The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) is a non-profit, multi-state think tank that promotes public policy solutions to create opportunities for every American to experience the American Dream. To learn more, visit