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FGA Praises Reintroduction of the REINS Act to Address the Cost-of-Living Crisis Crippling Family Budgets

The Foundation for Government Accountability Praises Sen. Paul and Rep. Cammack’s Efforts to Restore Accountability to the Federal Bureaucracy and Affordability Across America.

Naples, FL—Today, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) reintroduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act in the 118th United States Congress. The reform would require approval by Congress before any costly executive branch rules, including those carrying an annual price tag of $100 million or more, could go into effect. 

Since 2021, the Biden-Harris administration has pushed through nearly 200 major regulations outpacing every other administration in modern history. This reckless regulatory spending—without the approval of elected representatives in Congress—has totaled nearly $1.7 trillion in new costs to American businesses and families, contributing to rising inflation and skyrocketing cost of living.

“Four years of unprecedented executive branch spending and a record-setting stream of new rules from unelected bureaucrats in Washington have caused the price of everything to go up at the same time the value of every dollar has gone down. American families are left paying more for less in a broken economy that was roaring just a few short years ago,” said Tarren Bragdon, President and CEO of the Foundation for Government Accountability. “The REINS Act would empower Congress to free working families from the suffocating weight of the Biden-Harris bureaucracy and cure the cost-of-living crisis dimming the American Dream.” 

The REINS Act would provide the American people a powerful tool to control both regulation and spending from the Biden-Harris administration by restoring Congress’s budgetary and policymaking authority. The bill also enhances oversight of agency guidance documents, often used to skirt congressional review. This is especially important in the wake of the Loper Bright decision which nullified agency deference in court cases involving administrative rules.  

“The REINS Act cuts to the core of the fundamental question facing our nation at this critical moment in history: Do we want our future determined by unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., or the elected representatives closest to the people?” added Bragdon. 

In the 118th Congress, the REINS Act earned more than 200 cosponsors in the House and Senate, making it one of the most popular bills in Washington, D.C. Additionally, the House passed the REINS Act as part of the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023

For more FGA research on the REINS Act, visit our REINS page.

For recent polling showing 97 percent of Americans are concerned about the higher cost of living and 67 percent of voters support congressional approval of regulations, visit the Center for Polling in Excellence


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