Rep. Rosendale’s bill would improve the health of individuals, families, and budgets—making our nation stronger and ready for the future.
Naples, FL—Today, Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) introduced legislation called the Ensuring Health in SNAP Act to make it easier for states to ban junk food in their food stamps programs.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps, was created as joint state-federal welfare program to provide taxpayer-funded support to truly needy individuals and families for temporary or supplemental food assistance. As the program eligibility and spending has expanded over the decades, so have the food options, including junk food which can negatively impact the health and well-being of welfare recipients.
“The Ensuring Health in SNAP Act would give states more control over their food stamp programs and help ensure taxpayer resources focus on building up healthy families for a healthy future,” said Maggie Harrell, Director of Federal Affairs for the Foundation for Government Accountability. “Over the years, the federal government has wrestled too much control away from states’ ability to administer welfare programs. Rep. Rosendale deserves tremendous credit for working to hand power back to states to run healthier, more responsible programs.”
The Biden-era rapid expansion of food stamp spending has resulted in more control in Washington D.C., more able-bodied adults on the program, fewer restrictions on the purchase of junk food, and fewer food stamp recipients working.
“Taxpayers are spending more than $11 billion per month on the food stamps program, with an estimated 20 percent going to junk food. Food stamps have become a high-cost, low-nutrition bloated entitlement,” said Harrell. “With 41 million people on food stamps, including 17 million able-bodied adults, it’s more important than ever to ensure tax dollars aren’t funding poor health. Rep. Rosendale’s bill is an outstanding step in the right direction, empowering states to take control of their programs and chart a healthier course for our nation.”
For more FGA research on the food stamp reforms, visit FGA’s Farm Bill microsite.
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