Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) Explainer
RCV candidates with the most first-place votes can lose elections!
Here’s how RCV would work if you were to vote for your favorite chicken sandwich. 296,077 voters went to the polls this election, so the number of votes needed to win a majority was 148,040.
Once all the results are tallied, none of the candidates reach 148,040 votes (50%+1). Both Wendy’s and Popeyes receive fewer than 10% of the votes, so they are eliminated. Chick-fil-A and Burger King remain in the running for round #2.
In this round, 6,453 ballots were exhausted and do not count.*
*The 6,453 ballots that were immediately tossed were due to overvotes and undervotes on the initial ballot. Any remaining ballots that were tossed in Round #1 were not counted because the voter did not rank the 1st or 2nd place candidate after the other two were eliminated.
Now votes are redistributed to the second-ranked choices.
In this round, 8,273 people who voted for either Wendy’s or Popeyes as their second choice do not have their vote counted.