Last year, the Center for Excellence in Polling (CEP) delivered timely insight into what the American people want out of their government through dozens of surveys, tens of thousands of voters, and countless hours of analysis.
The 60-plus public polls CEP delivered last year offer a window into what policies Americans support, and what changes the voters want to see. As we look forward to 2023, it’s worth taking a moment to look back at some of the top polls from CEP in the past year:
- Voter Interest Poll: Ahead of the November election, CEP asked likely voters about the factors affecting their voting decision, as well as their opinions on more than a dozen national issues. Voters expressed clear top interests: inflation and the economy, and demonstrated clear support for work over welfare, energy independence, and limited federal spending.
- Effects of Inflation Poll: In October, CEP asked voters about the ways the inflation crisis were affecting their lives. An overwhelming majority (94 percent—including 90 percent of Democrats) said that they are very or somewhat concerned about inflation. The poll also found that:
- 94 percent were concerned about the rising cost of groceries.
- 90 percent were concerned about rising home cooling and heating costs.
- 89 percent were concerned about rising electricity costs.
- 88 percent were concerned about the high cost of gas and diesel fuel.
- 81 percent were concerned about runaway federal spending.
- National Employment Poll: In April, a national CEP survey found broad support—especially among Democrats and Independents—for measures that will refocus unemployment programs on getting people back to work and protecting the system from fraud and abuse.
- State-Level Polling: All politics is local, and public policy is too. In 2022, CEP published 40-plus state-level polls in 29 different states. Find yours here!